Friday, April 29, 2011

Ode To Kristy Mikel

Very few things could distract my blogging attention away from our time here in Uganda (please note not a single post on the royal wedding).  There is one.  Today is Kristy Mikel's last day in the Student Ministries Office.  In mid-May, Kristy will be responding to God's call to serve one year (at least) in Kenyas with WGM's Volunteers In Action program.

Kristy graduated from NMC.  She was in one of Janelle's first Small Groups.  She has served in an administrative role w/ NMC for nearly 8 years now.  She is, in many way, the glue that has held us together over those years (especially the last three as Janelle headed home to be with Katylynn).  Although she will be missed, I am so stinkin' proud of her for taking this step of faith.  I also love that she has chosen to live out NMC Student Ministries purpose to create Spiritual Reproducers both at home and around the world.

I would encourage you to follow Kristy's journey over the next year at!

Kristy thanks for serving our students faithfully.
Thanks for being an amazing teammate.
Thanks for making me look way better than I actually was in ministry on more than one occasion.
Thanks for being a fantastic friend to my wife.
Thanks for loving and caring for my daughter as if she were your own.
Thanks for surrendering your heart and life to Jesus.
Thanks for walking the radical path.
Thanks for serving selflessly.
Thanks for your example!

May God use you in ways beyond what you could ever ask or imagine!

You are dearly loved.

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