Monday, May 02, 2011

Home. Where from Here?

We had a fairly incident free flight back home.  The one exception was that security was EXTREMELY tight in Instanbul... we now wonder if it had anything to do with last night's events in Pakistan (or maybe it's always really high in Turkey.  Who knows?)  Anyway, Janelle progressively felt better as we flew.  We picked up a very wired but tired Katylynn and headed home.  She was extremely excited to see us this morning as she walked into our room. We're excited to see her again.

Where from Here?
We know we will be asked this question multiple times in the days to come.  The answer, we wait for permission to head back.  We know it will not happen before May 13 and should happen within a couple of weeks after that date.  At this point, the plan is for my mom and Katylynn to join us for trip 2 where we will do all visa work and meet with the U.S. Embassy.


Here's some specific ways to be praying.
  • For all necesarry paperwork to be completed quickly and thoroughly.
  • For Jr.'s health.
  • For the progress of relationship between us and Jr. to stick during the time seperated.
  • For peace in Uganda:  Tensions are currently high in the country.  Although escalating tensions and violence could factor in our timing, this prayer is bigger than a prayer for our adoption.  This is a prayer for a Nation that has overcome some significant tragedy in it's more recent history.
Thank you to all for your continued support and prayers. 

1 comment:

Rob said...

Glad you made it back safely...and looking forward to welcoming all 4 of your home next time...thanks for ways I can be praying specifically...count me in!